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This easy card game is played with four, six or eight standard 24 7 blackjack of 52 cards.
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Blackjack is usually played at an arc-shaped table with places for up to blackjack game windows 7 players.
Each table has a sign that explains the minimum and maximum bets at that table, as well as giving variations in common rules.
Play begins when you place your bet on the table inside a betting circle.
Once all bets have been placed, every player is dealt two cards, including the dealer.
You now must decide how to play out your hand.
Cards 2 to 10 are scored at their face value.
Kings, Queens and Jacks have a value of 10.
Aces can count high or low either 1 or 11.
The best result you can achieve in this game is a two-card 21, or a Blackjack.
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