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Knock-Out Blackjack and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle.. Olaf is also the co-author of Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever Devised among other books. Ken Fuchs, co-author of Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever.
To use the Knock Out card counting system you will want to keep a running total throughout the game. So if you start at zero, and a low card is played you'll add one. Now your total is 1. If the next card comes low, add another point, when a high card is dealt you can subtract one.
If you're interested in learning about the KO system (aka knockout system) of blackjack card counting, we can teach you all you need to know to get started.

Counting Cards with the Red 7 System - How to Count Cards in Blackjack

The Knock-Out or KO blackjack card counting system is very similar to the Hi-Lo system, but instead, the 7 card is given a +1 count.
If you're interested in learning about counting cards then the K-O.
Developed by Ken Fuchs and Olaf Vancura in 1998, the KO method of counting cards is perhaps the best known unbalanced card system, which means the ...
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Buy Knock-Out Blackjack (The Easiest Card-Cou.. in Bulk Knock out blackjack counting


Most newcomers to card counting for blackjack crave an easy to learn method. The KO or Knockout System was developed to be both simple and effective.
If you're interested in learning about the KO system (aka knockout system) of blackjack card counting, we can teach you all you need to know to get started.
The Knock-Out card-counting system eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. The scientifically devised unbalanced K-O ...

starburst-pokieKo counting system understanding - Blackjack and Card Counting Forums Knock out blackjack counting

Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card Counting System Ever Devised eBook: Olaf Vancura: Kindle Store Knock out blackjack counting

Knock-Out Blackjack and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle.. Olaf is also the co-author of Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever Devised among other books. Ken Fuchs, co-author of Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever.
The K-O system is a great blackjack card counting strategy for all kinds of players, regardless of their experience and mathematical skills. If they want to succeed ...
Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card Counting System Ever Devised eBook: Olaf Vancura: Kindle Store.

Knock out blackjack countingcasinobonus

knock out blackjack counting What is really the truth?
Here we review one such system, known as the KO System, and take a detailed look at how to use the system and a review of the system itself including its performance statistics.
The History KO blackjack card counting system.
This bools presents it as easy to learn but powerful card counting system and I have to agree with that.
How to use KO System It is professional but at the same time very easy system to follow.
It is one level and unbalanced card counting system.
As a result there is no need to calculate the.
The initial running count should start from learn more here and then, as normal, simply add or subtract from the running count dependent on the value of each card as it is played.
The values are almost same as the values in except for sevens are knock out blackjack counting in Hi Lo as -1.
The advantage turns sufficiently to the card counter when the running count reaches +2 or greater.
The higher the positive count the higher the advantage becomes.
Betting Strategy Adjustment The simple strategy, as always, is to bet larger amounts when the advantage is with you and lower amounts when the knock out blackjack counting is with the house.
This strategy is based on single deck games, but the strategy can be modified to cope with multi-deck games.
It really depends upon the table limits, your psychological attitude to risk and your overall bankroll.
Many players choose their smallest bet to be the minimum stake allowed by the table and simply make the larger amount a multiple of this amount.
The thing to bear in mind is that the total amount bet must be sufficient to meet your income target given that the edge when playing this system is typically 1% to 2%.
You can also check out software at this which lets you train the system along with all the strategies.
Once of these is insurance.
The concept of insurance is that it is offered to players knock out blackjack counting the dealer shows an ace.
The insurance provides protection against the dealer having a ten with the ace knock out blackjack counting therefore a winning hand.
The idea is to generally not take the insurance unless there is knock out blackjack counting good proportion of tens remaining.
The K-O system allows you to identify these opportunities by simply knowing the running count and taking insurance when it is +3 or greater.
The Rating Many players consider the K-O system to be too simplistic to provide enough edge but it compares very well with other more complex systems.
So how does this system compare?
For ease of use the K-O system clearly score highly since a number of cards do not score and can therefore be ignored.
The playing efficiency of the system scores mid range compared with other sites, the betting correlation scores very highly and the insurance correlation scores mid-range.
Overall it is virtually on par with the popular Hi-Low system, and simpler to operate.
One other little considered aspect of system performance is the length of losing run.
This is the expected number of continuous losing bets overall a period of time.
The reason that this parameter is important is that a losing run of any significant length when compared with a small bankroll will ultimately result in you losing all and being out of the game.
To prevent this some experts have recommended that the minimum and maximum bets are specific percentages of your overall bankroll.
The percentage used should relate to the expectation of length of losing run and the way that most systems are tested for this parameter is by using simulation.
Computers make this easy to do with tens of thousands of runs being able to be made in a short time and the maximum length of losing run noted.
As an example, knock out blackjack counting the maximum length of losing runs is 12 games then your bet size strategy needs to be able to cope without you losing all your bankroll.
The edge created by most card counting systems, and the K-O is no exception, is normally between 1% and 2%.
Your winnings therefore rely solely on your ability to card count and the size of your bets.
This assumes, of course, that you remain undetected by the house.
Another way of increasing your winnings is to pit your skills against other blackjack players in competition.
The ultimate prize is to win the World Series of Blackjack, normally held at the Las Vegas Hilton, where 40 of the worlds best players compete for a prize of half a million dollars!
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The Truth about Backoffs as a Card Counter

The KO (Knockout) Card Counting System Knock out blackjack counting

Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card Counting System Ever Devised eBook: Olaf Vancura: Kindle Store Knock out blackjack counting

Compare the top card counting systems to find out which is the right system for you. The alternative would be an unbalanced count (such as K-O), which has an ...
The Knock-Out card-counting system eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. The scientifically devised unbalanced K-O ...
The revolutionary Knock-Out card-counting system eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. The scientifically devised ...


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